UP 69000 Assistant Teacher Result 2019-2020 Merit list ( आज घोषित) सहायक अध्यापक चयन सूची released

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UP 69000 Assistant Teacher Merit list 2019-2020 District wise (Direct link) Pdf link will be declared today after 12:00 PM at atrexam.upsdc.gov.in: UP Basic Education Board is going to announce UP 69000 Assistant Teacher merit list one week after the final answer key is released. The final answer solution is released on the official website. Now, the 69000 Assistant teacher result will be declared by 12th May 2020 as per the CM “Yogi Aditya Nath” statement. Selected candidates list will be rolled out at http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/ as per the cut off 60% for SC/ST/OBC/PwD and 65% for General category.

UP 69000 Assistant Teacher merit list has been declared .we have given the direct link to check the merit list.check link below.

UP Teacher merit list 2020– check here

link 2

UP 69000 Assistant Teacher merit list 2020 -District wise (आज होगा घोषित)

UP Basic Education Board will release the merit list for UP assistant 69000 recruitment 2019-20. Selected candidates can check the Merit list district wise at http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/. The merit list will be announced after 12:00 PM.

atrexam.upsdc.gov.in Assistant Teacher Result 2020

UP 69000 Assistant Teacher Sarkariresult latest news:

UP 69000 Teacher Recruitment Result 2020 Declared at ATRE website. 35.66 percent of applicants successfully qualified for the UP Teacher assistant exam. total of 1.4 Lakh candidates are qualified where 36,314 candidates are from the general category, 84,868 from OBC, 24,308 from SC, and 27 from ST category.

UP Assistant Teacher Result 2020 Declared at http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/

Fresh News: marks will be uploaded tomarrow on 14 th May 2020 ,However the result is out and 1.4 lakh candidates have passed the examination. Direct link will be shared in this article once result is out.

UP के मुख्य मंत्री -“योगी आदित्यनाथ ने 69000 सहायक अध्यापक(Assistant Teacher) भर्ती का परिणाम एक सप्ताह के अंदर जारी करने का निर्देश दिया है। UP 69000 Assistant Teacher का परिणाम फाइनल उत्तर कुंजी के एक सप्ताह के भीतर घोषित किया जायेगा। final answer key ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जारी की जा चुकी है। लिंक निचे दिया गया है।

Decision of High court for UP 69000 Assistant Teacher Result

“The Lucknow High Court’s bench on Wednesday issued an order to recruit 69000 assistant teachers in council primary schools within 2 months on the basis of 60-65% cut off marks. we are expecting the UP 69000 Assistant Teacher Result held on 6th Jan 2019 within one week or by 15th May 2020.”

UP 69000 Assistant Teacher Merit list 2019-2020

Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board conducted the 69000 Assistant teacher Examination on 6th January 2019 all across the state. Approx 4 lakh candidates appeared for the written examination but after the Examination government raised the minimum cut off marks from 45% to 65% for general category candidates and from 40% to 60% for reserved category candidates. After this decision, candidates moved to the court and the final result was delayed. The High Court gave it verdict on Wednesday 6th May- the UP 69000 Assistant Teacher result must announce within one week on the basis of 60-65 percent marks. We are expecting the UP 69000 Assistant Teacher Result 2019-2020 to be announced this week. The direct link will be shared in this article and the link will be activated at the official website.

UP 69000 Assistant Teacher उत्तर कुंजी 2020

The final उत्तर कुंजी for 69000 Assistant Teacher written exam has been released at http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/main.aspx. candidates can match their answers with the official answers and get a rough idea of the final scorecard. The Answer key is uploaded at the official website on 8th May 2020.

संशोधित/अंतिम उत्तरमाला दिनांक (Answer key)

UP 69000 assistant teacher sarkari result date

All the candidates who appeared in the written exam have been waiting for the Result for more than 1 year. candidates can check the UP 69000 assistant teacher Sarkari result from this page. we will share the direct link once the result is published. U.P. PARIKSHA NIYAMAK PRADHIKARI, Prayagraj will release the Result in Pdf file which contains selected candidates list for further round by 15th may 2020.

Post nameAssistant Teacher
No of posts69000 post
Exam date6th Jan 2019
Result date13th May 2020 at 10:30 AM
result linkhttp://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/main.aspx

UP 69000 Assistant Teacher cut off marks & merit list

As per the High court decision, cut off will be incremented from 45% to 65% for general category candidates and from 40% to 60% for reserved category.

categorycut off in %
SC/ST/OBC/PwD60 percent
UR65 percent

U.P. PARIKSHA NIYAMAK PRADHIKARI will release the merit list on the basis of which selection will be done & later on the list containing the appointment details of primary schools will be shared with the selected candidates.

How to check the UP 69000 Assistant Teacher Result 2019-2020?

  1. visit the official website- http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/main.aspx.
  2. Click on the UP 69000 Teacher assistant Result 2019-2020 link
  3. Pdf will open
  4. Pdf will contain the selected candidates’ list with cut off marks
  5. Search the Roll Number or name in the List
  6. save the result for future usage

official website- http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/main.aspx

Result Link – http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/tet_regno.aspx ( Activated on 13th May)

Helpline number- http://atrexam.upsdc.gov.in/helpline.htm

UPTET Assistant Teacher Result 2020 for 69000 recruitment is announcing on 12th May 2020 at atrexam.upsdc.gov.in website. Direct link will be activated soon. stay tuned with upbed2019.in.

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